Monday, March 19, 2007

Peripheral Participation

I have become a lurker in my Neopets guild the last few weeks! Whereas I used to chat a LOT every day (especially during my son's nap times) I just don't have the energy lately. But some of that has to do with how we have some great new members who just joined about a month ago and are fitting in great! They are taking initiative to plan activities and are chatting and helping eachother out on the boards with questions and encouragement! It feels great not to feel like I HAVE to be there or things will fall apart! I still read through the posts and comment when needed or at least post to say good morning and such, but I still feel pretty guilty. On the other hand, I still keep in touch with the "higher ranking" members (my closer friends) via personal email and posting on My Space. And, reading about communities and periperal participation has helped me understand why people may be "lurkers" and maybe how I can draw them out more! I looked at the guild's members and sent personal "hey, how's it going?" emails to those who havn't posted at all or in a very long time:) I also personally encouraged a few of my top leaders to do the same if they felt led to do so. I also made a info page about our guild, what our goals are and info/tips on chatting and participating in the guild. I think it has really helped since we got another great member from it and I've received a lot of great feedback!